One Song That Still Causes...

You to stop what you are doing to listen because of the memory or emotion that it evokes. For me it is "Sentimental Journey," sung by Doris Day (with the Les Brown Orchestra). As I mentioned on another thread, upon my Dad's release from a WWII German POW camp at Stag Luft III -- he was liberated by General Patton -- he heard this song for the first time on a troop train during his return to the States. This day also happened to be his 21st birthday. My Dad is still alive and I thank God every day for his health. Each time I hear this song, it causes me to stop in my tracks and listen, picturing the skinny, golden haired former POW heading home to his mother, father & sister.

Showing 3 responses by angela100

Hey Jude by The Beatles
(here's a webpage that I stumbled upon that has many, many song lyrics - for what it's worth)
Albert, are you referencing a few of my posts where I am "spilling a little wine?" It is a great song :-)
There was an AM underground station in Charlotte NC back in the early 70's and one of the DJ's played Free Bird for 2 straight DAYS! He was so tired of getting requests, he tried his own Therapy on his audience. It was hillarious! Over and Over and Over and Over again.... Of course the station's motto was "the station with balls"