One's trash is someone else's treasure

I would be interested to find out what “treasures” you people have come across in your journey to audio nirvana on the used market. For me, it was in 1993 (I don’t remember if the internet was already at its early stages of development – I don’t think so), and I came across an ad in our local newspaper for a Linn LP-12. The second I read the ad, I immediately called the seller who happens to be this older fellow who obviously didn’t have the slightest clue what he’s about to relinquish. I drove to his apartment and there it was, a Linn LP-12 complete with an LVX tone arm, a K9 cartridge and the smoke dustcover – all in excellent condition. The asking price? $100!!!! While I was in his apartment checking the table out, the seller received about three phone calls regarding the LP-12 too bad for those prospective buyers but first come, first serve. Talk about someone’s trash being someone else’s treasure!!!! About three years later, I sold the table for $900! It was about this time when the digital front end was really taking off with the transport and outboard DAC options. Now, I’m back into vinyl (just recently got back actually) and have a VPI Scout Aries with JMW 9 arm and a Dynavector 10x5 cartridge. This time, my analog set up is a keeper!!!! What treasures have you come across??????

Showing 1 response by jb8312

I would have done the same thing. I once sold a MTB for much less then it was worth, I needed the money bad. Furhtermore, I was about 15 years older then the kid that bought it, so I was "the Old guy". If he had offered any more than I had asked I would have thought "nice kid, but not to bright...he's going to end up spending his nights posting on message boards on the iternet or something...."

On the other hand, I was unloading a Thule Bike Rack offering it up for free to my local club, "first one to pick it up gets it"...The guy that got it gave me $50 bucks...The differecne is that it was "free", I had placed no value on it. In early case, I set a price to move it. I could have charged more, but I was in need of cash.

You guys need to get off your high horse.
