One of the great things about Vinyl

Is I find myself listening to recordings all the way through.

Rarely do that with CD's and/or streaming.


Showing 3 responses by audioman58

You didnot mention how many $$ you have in vinyl turntable, cartridge and phono stage cartridge..  I have found if you cover from your router ,Linear Power Supplies ,quality ethernet hubs ,ethernets cables ,usb cable ,Dac server 

this too all needs to be addressed with quality throughout if you want to better analog , that’s my experience, and I owned a Audio store for 10 years 

apples to apples digital has finally arrived . Reference digital $10-15k  and UP.

analog $10 k is minimum.

JJbeason14  ? What is your digital system consist of , including Ethernet, and usb cables dac, server ? 

and what Is  your analog setup including turntable, cartridge ,and phonostage 

and total investment of  both Analog and Digital 

so others  can see what you are referencing  to . is it 🍎 to 🍏 apples ?

Hearing messages playing backwards like old Beatles records in nostalgic 

but records are so limited, and high maintenance  I just can5 be bother , I have been slowly getting digital when I am happy start8ng with Avery good combo router like the Motorola 8702 ,you never want a separate modem,router  too many extra wires and not as fast or cohesive and the new ones faster processor docsis 3.1 4x faster then older 3.0  allare 12 volt in newer combos ,little green computer 12 v 8 amp Linesr Power Supply $299 put a better Dc cable and a good fuse your stream8ng is that much better ,little green computer buy Sonore Ethernet to Fiber optic  media converter and decent power cords minimum Pangea awg14 se mk2  power cords.  Then on the clean side a Sonore deluxe Femto media converter out to Ethernet  with the excellent Linear Tube Audio LPS power supply .if you truly want to get to reference level you have to eliminate Everything that creates noise  in the signal path.and quality Ethernet cables as well as usb , all are parts of the weak link in the chain, the dac is most $$ and still have the better part of the year to save for a great dac like the T&A 200 dac that’s around $7k. Everything adds up.