OMG, just removed my speaker grills and the sound just opened up to a new level!

My recently purchased Focal Maestro Utopia speakers look so good with their black front baffle and side and back Camara white, I couldn’t even think about removing the grills to hear what they sound like with them off. With nobody around to voice their displeasure to seeing those drivers I boldly went were no man, or in this case myself, said he would never go and removed the grills. Hello, said the speakers
this is what I really sound like. I might not be as pretty, but love me for what really counts, how I sound,
not how I look. I have to say I love them even more and they’re not looking too bad either! 

Showing 13 responses by asvjerry

...shrieking of parody paradoxes....

Do what you want....the cat will teach you otherwise....*inane laughter fades into the void of the Web....*
(Channeling the 'Church Lady" of SNLs' D. Carvey....)

Listening to that Jungle Noise....I'll bet it makes your....nasty parts just tingle with excitement.  You just can't resist the urge to play those sounds...loud....louder.....Louder....LOUDER!  
You pull those grilles off, so you can See the drivers shiver 'n shake.....
Pulsing with those obviously Obscene rhythms.....
It makes you want to throw off your clothes....
Wiggle and convulse, twitch and shake....stomp, wave your parts..... the driving demonic bass line of.....
(camera switch)


This has been a PSA from your local AE/N~NAS~SsC (Audio Equipment/Naturalist~Nude Appreciation Society~Speaker subset Chapter), to provide an excuse as to why segments of our members prefer their 'reproducers' naked.  Your safety will not be compromised as a general rule.  However, if you find yourself in the company of one of our more 'extreme' members, refraining from the use of drugs and alcohol is advised.  Additional safety may be employed with the wearing of a good pair of running shoes, tasers, and 'brass knuckles'.
Extreme cases may require weaponry of your choice and skill set.

We now return you to the unscheduled program....*click*

You guys are so crazy....;)

*S* Personally, sans grills entirely....Lucifer 'n I get along just fine....🤪

...although...."The Grill Clapper!  *clap*  Grills off....*clap* Grills on!

Now available with AGP!  Automatic Grille Protection!

If your speakers are approached by Any lifeforms, the grills are automatically deployed, covering your investment!"

(Not sold in stores.  No liability for any and all injuries caused by AGP; the system is designed to be Very Positive in it's function....)
I remember the CSM 100's....they were unappealing until someone tripping fell against the TT, causing the tone arm to skitter across the record at full volume.....

...after everyones' ears stopped bleeding, the cones had all inverted...looking like cheap Ohms....

They only sounded better when they got thrown on the bonfire.....

They stopped playing....
uhoh.....calm down....Geo's here.....

talk of speakers, grills, and girls....don't know how he'll react....

"...just an excitable boy...."

(put the girls down, and pull your grills up....;)  *sshh*)
GK....Let's chalk it up to the 'observer quantum effect'...or at least, it's a handy thing to blame it on...

One unconsciously feels that 'anything' between the driver(s) and your ears 'Must Be Doing Something'....

Either the air molecules are not able to 'pass through' the fabric/screen, or transmit the waveforms in the air without some resistance from said grille material in some fashion.....

Or we just prefer naked things in front of us.... ;)

ESL's aren't going to work very well without them...

f208frank's has a good rationale for being a future 'baddad' and current one for not being 'a tolerant host'.

That, and keeping the pets at bay.....

"....Dear, why is the cat in the deep-freezer?"

...embarrassing questions like that..... 
I don't have any of those 'issues', but just thinking....

(It hurts, but I've got to exercise the wetware....)
@jacksky....Hmmm....the only times I've listened nude is when I was 'occupied' listening to 'someone else'....;)

Real 'primal' live stuff....nothing for 'reproduction', frankly.

Even the practice sessions tended to go well...*G* situation at the time was very involving....

Oh, Yeah....grilles off....fer shure.....

I'm still distracted by 'heavy metal grilles'.....screwed down so the bass lines make them Flex....Drum lines that can churn butter....