Older Upgraded vs. New McCormacks

For those of you in the know, and who have heard both, I am looking for informed opinions about the sonic parallels and differences between older upgraded McCormack gear (for example, the DNA 0.5 with the Rev A) and its current generation counterpart (for example, the DNA 125). Based on the current used market prices for the 0.5 and SMcAudio's prices, the two are also roughly equivalent in price now, so a comparison would be particularly interesting. I am already quite familiar with McCormack gear, and already know that I enjoy and appreciate the way Steve voices his gear. Any intelligent insight or observations would be appreciated. . .
Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiolaw
I had my DNA-1 Deluxe amp upgraded to Revision A Gold status about two months ago. I can't give you a comparison, but I can say that the change in the amp is absolutely incredible. In addition to any help that you might get from the good people here, I would suggest that you give Steve McCormack a call at SMc Audio. The web site is www.smcaudio.com. I found both Steve and his assistant Kris Jeter a real pleasure to work with and they were extremely helpful to me when I was going through the decision process. My guess is that an upgrade would significantly outperform the newer models. Best of luck to you.
When I was searching for a solid state amp that I don't hate, the McCormack came up on the short list. I called them and asked the same question. They said that the upgraded dna was definitely a superior product to the current generation dna-125 etc. That makes complete sense in that they do the upgrades and take the cash directly. My DNA-1 DlxRevAGold had $1500 worth of upgrades done to it. If that were done through a company and a supporting retail chain, verses a couple guys with low overhead, it would probably cost two to three times that. The amp is outstanding (for a solid state). It excels in bass performance, low level detail, and soundstaging (for a solid state). Try to find a deluxe because those have the nice thick faceplate.