I use a Teac VRDS 25 with a Lavry Black DA10 and a VRDS 25X with a Bryston BDA-1.
I had both VRDS units extensively upgraded (power supply, Sample Rate converter opamps, and digital output board) with parts from ASE-Audiotuning in Germany. Plus, a few months after I got it, the 25X needed a new laser.
While my best digital front end remains the Teac/Esoteric P70 with Universal Audio 2192 DAC/ADC/word clock, I wouldn't be said if I was restricted to one or other of the VRDS-25 set-ups. They are really very good.
Some of the early 1990s Sony CDPs make very good transports as well (e.g., X779ES, X777ES), but Teac is much more responsible than Sony about keeping replacement parts in stock.