Old records.

I’ve been literally keeping my somewhat recently bought turntable (and accessories) on the shelf and not using it after spending a lot on it (for me.) ( You can take a look on my profile)
After comparing it to my digital side for quite a while I decided the SQ was not nearly as good. So, I put the cover on it and let it lay dormant.
Now I have a collection of about 3000 LPs, mostly from the 70’s and 80’s. And, sad to say, most of them just don’t sound that good. However I’ve recently been playing some newer records, and the sound is wonderful. I know this not supposed to be the case. So, it’s possible all my old records have been somewhat damaged with old or faulty styli. Anyhow I now have a new lease on life with my analog side.


Showing 1 response by ltmandella

There were some beautifully recorded, mixed, mastered, and stamped vinly productions from the 60s on, and there were some poorly done also (ABCO for example).

Take a listen to Steely Dan's AJA from many decades ago.  I'd match that LP against any produced today.  There are many others that were also very well done.. 

If pretty much all your old vinyl sounds really bad, they probably are damaged.

Have any friends with good system that can play vinyl?  Try some there...