Old CDs and records

I just came to the very belated realization that my many years’ collection of thousands of CDs  and (most likely) records are probably extinct and hence worthless. Unless I go through the arduous task of cataloguing each and every disc for resale, the mass collection is just so much junk. 
I could donate the collection.  But, at this point, does anyone want antiquated technology when streaming is so easy and prevalent. 
Anyone have any ideas?


Showing 6 responses by rvpiano

I have 90% classical CDs and records.  Maybe rock and pop are desirable, but I don’t think my collection is that viable.


I’m sorry if I excited and agitated you. 
That was CERTAINLY NOT my intention.


You’re absolutely right. I would have to put in a lot of work to catalog my 3000+ CDs and 2000+ records. The best solution would probably be to examine them all and select the ones I consider most valuable.

Ironically, since writing this post, I’ve been playing some of my old records and rediscovering them.

I’m enjoying the records so much I’m investigating the purchase of a new turntable.

How’s  that for a quick turnaround??? 
Yes, I know.