I had never heard of Classdaudio. I just looked at their website.
Certainly something to consider."
The good news is that classDaudio is only one of many companies offering very good class D amps. My initial very good experience with a class D amp impressed me so much that I did a lot of internet research about the history of class D amps, from the 1st proposal in 1958 and the 1st commercially available amp in 1964 to the best current examples of class D using power modules from companies like Hypex and Anaview/Abletec.
But this fascination with class D only inspired me to want to try some of the latest examples in my own system. Fortunately, my limited budget also limited my subsequent class D amp purchases to the more reasonably priced versions.
My 2nd class D amp was an Emerald Physics EP-102 stereo amp (bought on sale for $600) and my last amp purchase was a pair of D-Sonic M3-600-M mono-blocks (just under $2,000/pr.).
All 3 of my class D amps share some similar sonic qualities: very good bass control and response, very low noise floors, powerful dynamics,exceptionally neutral, high levels of detail, solid and stable sound staging and smooth mid-range and treble response that never seems too bright.
From reports from numerous class D amp owners using a wide variety of good class D amp brands and models on this and other audio forums, they typically mention the same sonic qualities that I mentioned above. However, I still try to resist claiming all good class D amps sound the same because I've only personally listened to a small sample of them.
If you'd like to explore some other good class D amps, I'd suggest a google search of 'class D home audio amps'.