OK What's next with my iPod?

So, I've got an iPod Touch with many uncompressed CDs on it and it sounds surprisingly good through my Sennheiser headphones.
I connected it to an input on my preamp and got music. But it doesn't really sound very good.
What intermediary pieces of equipment do I need between the Touch and the preamp to get sound that rivals/exceeds my CDP? WHat would financially to accomplish this without foregoing my first born child?

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Showing 1 response by kbarkamian

The Apple TV is far more functional and easier to use than the Wadia iTransport. And your Touch makes a great remote.

Synch all your music to the Apple TV (far more space than the Touch), connect a DAC to the Optical output, and enjoy. The Apple TV is also a bit cheaper.

There's a new Apple TV coming to the market soon, or currently out now. No experience with it. It doesn't have an internal hard drive, which was the main appeal for me. Maybe the hard drive version will be cheaper now that it'll be phased out?