OK - Now What…?

Gryphon Diablo 300
Sonus Faber Serafino Tradition 
Aurender A10 Streamer/DAC
Triode Wire Connectors
Amazon Sine-Wave Battery Back-Up
Transparent PowerBank

I sadly got rid of all my vinyl ages ago…so I’m not sure I’m ready for a high-end TT….

I am absolutely thrilled with the sound of this system. Honey - Chocolate Mouse - Chilean Sea Bass - and then Gordon Ramsey jumps out at me screaming expletives but then Mother Teresa calms him down.

Guys - What’s my next move…? 
The Amazon commercial back-up…? Better power conditioning…?

Any and all suggestions welcome…!

Thank you..!


Showing 2 responses by kennyc

+1 @chorus
Uptone Audio Ether Regen $640.
Should be an obvious uptick in sonic performance.  YMMV.
@jomonhifiI agree that relative to to your Integrated amp and speakers, your DAC and cables are the weak link in your audio chain.
Digital audio and especially DACs are sonically progressing very rapidly. Triode Wire Labs cables have great price/performance, but are below the performance levels of your audio chain. Both should be upgraded for best sonic gains.

Also, you might want to update your conditioner. I’m not familiar with Transparent’s conditioner’s performance but it seems like older tech. Power conditioners performance have also improved significantly in the recent years.

If possible, look for vendors who offer a free trial. Another option is to buy used- you can save $ significantly especially on used cables. You can resell it later without losing much $.

If you want to get back into vinyl you should start another thread of seeking advice. You’ll need to address turntable, tonearm, cabling, cartridge, and phono preamp/stage. To match the quality of your amp+speakers it can get expensive depending how far you want to go. You can get a nice sounding vinyl chain for a few $thousands, but if you want the “fool you as real” sound you’ll have to spend significantly more, >$10k+.  
Also, if you get an high quality transparent vinyl chain you should consider an $1-4k ultrasonic vinyl cleaner which is considered the best way to clean vinyl.  YMMV