Ohm Speakers Status Update

Signs of life from a great American loudspeaker brand!






Showing 5 responses by tksteingraber

Since the ‘80’s I was interested in and wondered how these Ohm Walsh Omni speakers sound but could not afford them.  After many years away from this hobby due to other priorities and interests I decided to get back into this hobby 3 years ago.  A couple months ago I finally picked up a used pair of Ohm  Walsh Tall 2000’s.  They have not disappointed and sound great in my living space. Sooo glad to hear that Ohm with Evan and all are keeping the deserving unique brand on the market.  Ohm’er for Life!

I also have my Ohm Walsh Tall 2000’s set up in a very similar configuration.  1 foot from wall, 6 feet apart with my audio/video cabinet between them and 10 feet from main listening seat.  Set up diagonally off a corner with a single sub in corner. My room is open design 24’x16’ with 9’ average vaulted ceiling and hardwood floors with rugs.  Being semi omni speakers the only treatments needed was a corner bass trap in the corner behind them.  Agree you can move around the room with minimal SQ drop. I agree the sound is just so realistic and sounds more like live music than other speakers I have owned.  Just love these speakers in my living space.

Fyi- are you aware that the new Ohm versions have a 3 position attenuator switch on the crossover board. Off/Med(factory setting)/High located behind the speaker terminals.  When I received my speakers they seemed a bit veiled and dull.  When I switched the attenuator off  my room came alive. This may not apply to everyone but a nice hidden feature that allows you to adjust to your liking. 

@bondmanp I bought mine used a several months ago and verified they are 2017-18 production.  The switch is on the internal crossover board.  You have to remove the speaker connector plate and pull it carefully out to access the switch.  Evan from Ohm verified it was available and how to set the switch since it’s only marked with a red dot at one of the settings.  Made a nice improvement not just the tweeter but overall too.

Agree, my Ohm Walsh Tall 2000’s are set up working off a corner in my living space and I am continually amazed how they integrate so well in this tough location. Every upgrade and tweak I add they just keep sounding better. I keep thinking what is the point where these will no longer improve but they keep exceeding my expectations. Very happy owner here!

I have not experienced what you describe with my Ohm Walsh Tall 2000’s.  Live recordings with these Ohm’s are so real and  lifelike.  Have you tried those tracks on another speaker to confirm it is your speakers and not something else?