Oh man, I broke my class D amp. Make fun of me. Then help.

So... I made a new pair of super fancy interconnects this evening. Of course I was on auto pilot on the second one, especially the last connector. And, of course I always test my DIY cable projects before install..

Except tonight. Installed the ICs and all I hear is clicking. Not loud, and independent of the volume on the pre. Independent of source. Weird. I shut everything down and figure maybe, for the first time ever, I miswired a cable, so I pulled the new ICs and tested. Sure enough, I crossed my signal and ground. I repaired my mistake, reinstalled and now the amp the crossed IC went to is jacked.

The volume is much lower than the other channel, there is distortion during strong high frequency signals and the sound drops out during strong low frequencies signals. The other amp is fine. I swapped channels coming from the pre and the problem stayed with the amp. I doubt it is the speaker, as there were no sudden loud noises. Just the innocuous clicking...

So, what did I fry? Some kind of capacitor? Or everything? The amp is a Ghent audio monoblock, which is class D and uses ICEpower a/s modules. It is a GA-M500. Here’s its webpage: https://www.ghentaudio.com/amp/ga-m500p.html

I’m fine sending it in for repair, but if anyone has either knowledge of amp design or the unfortunate luck to have done this, I’d love to just fix it myself and save a lot of sending it around the world. Also, feel free to make fun of me. I deserve it. Such are the consequences of hubris.

If you’re wondering, I used KLEI pure harmony connectors, which have two identical looking tabs, one on each side, to solder the signal and ground to. If you look even remotely closely you can easily tell which is the ground.. but it’s not at bad as if I had done this with a more traditional RCA connector. That would have been really pathetic. 

Also. Recommendations for repair shops please.



Showing 11 responses by asvjerry

Hey, Todd, cheer up.  Everyone has had the experience of screwing up but it takes an admirable part of one's personality to admit it in public.  So, I'll just *S* and say "Welcome to the club.  Try not to come here often, right?" *L*
Related recent event...my spouse 'does fish'.  Added 3 angels to her 55g. tank to join 2 angels and 2 algae eaters.  Had planned and ordered additional plants and enhanced lighting to support all...but hadn't covered that part of the 'equation' yet...
She got to watch as all 7 fish literally suffocated, slowly...heartbreaking for the both of us.

At least you didn't kill anything.

If there's an applicable moral here, double check yourself and everything.  Then do it again if it's expensive or a PIA to fix or replace...

...because sometimes it's irreplaceable....;)
Yeah, a 'downer', fitting the Monday mold....BUT....

Spouse announced she's going to carry on with her hobby.  Made my day.  Feces occurs, so scrape it up and fling it @ fates' face....*growl*L*

You do so too.  Let your buddy's buddy take a crack at it.  Let someone who has some experience with the D's give it a go.  He'll either find the problem or pronounce it truly screwed.

Suggestion #2:  Get spouse favorite flowers, apply huge hug and kiss, and another thank you.  They don't make a lot like her, and she's Yours. *S*

Elder son & porn....well, it's the most popular thing on the 'net, and curiosity overcomes 'no' because it did with us.

The racist white super sh*t is harder.  Take him on a drive through any local ghetto (most cities have something like that) and ask him if he'd like to go for a walk....home, from there.  There but for (your favorite deity) and the luck of being your son goes him, and their reality still isn't pretty despite the broken promises and hopes of intelligent people.  That latter group is aware that the bulk of the people on welfare and food stamps are white, and generally single women with children who are in that state because of guys who take advantage of them and split.
If there's anything he should learn to hate, it's the rampant stupidity on those websites.  

Todd...yeah, after 30+ years, she isn't perfect but she deals with my flaws and foibles too.  There are those that didn't understand us, but we've outlasted them all.  And the long haul is the one that counts....;)

And you took the young bull by the horns....Bravo.  There is 'fair porn', but it's rare.  The material aimed at the female audience has a better 'tilt' to it, but most men don't even know it exists...and most could care less.  It'd surprise them if they paid some attention to it.  The soft touch generally goes over better, but that's an 'advanced concept' when you're young. *S*

NWAR...by the Ozarks...pretty country...and some reactionary minds, freaked by 'change'.  He's right, absurd is correct.....funny, not so much.
Watch '10 Years a Slave' with him.  That'll drain the humor out of it....;)

Pardon to all in this forum, BTW.  The above is a long way from a class D disaster, but...unlike the fish (we mourn the small entities that lived with us for awhile, all of them...) here's a chance to 'save a life' in a meaningful way.  I can't resist trying to help, even if only with MHO in a hopeful comment.

Back to saving an amp...;)
"I'm not black, but sometimes I wish I wasn't white."
-Frank Zappa's observation on the Watts Riot.

I could see the smoke from my home.

*Looking at my hands, my arms....*
We call This 'white'. No.  Albinos are white.  What we have here is a rather miserable mottled beige, streaked with blue-green veins and reddish-pink blotches nearly everywhere....
Maybe a better description would be 'very bad camo'.  Way too light to be successful at 'blending into' anything but ourselves. *G*
YAY! *clap.clap.clap*  Mere mortals triumph yet again over recalcitrant
boxes of the obscure....;)  Now you can get back to what you trying to do in the first place...*G*

The missus will like this turn of events, too....

As for triggering a laugh followed by the thought....*S*  Every now and then.

"We" could and should be so much Better than "we" are....but "we" seem to have this penchant for getting in our own way...*shrug*

Anyway....congrats!  Enjoy! Don't do That again. ;)

And it's been fun....see you on the 'avenues'...Ciao. 
Yes, insane....reference:

I intended to 'be a freak for the rest of my life."  Mission accomplished. *G*

*L*  Everyone loves a happy ending to a sad story.....

"...and they all rode off into the sunset..."  A fork can be stuck into this tale of woe and redemption. *S*  Happy listening to all, and to all, a good..night, weekend, life, etc.

Tissues available at the exit for a small donation....*L*
Marty, it's one of the things that keeps me 'sane' in a society that seems to be less so daily...the 'safe from You' function.  I suspect you have your own functional version in place...

I once had a co-worker who stated 'treat life seriously as a joke'.  Upon a lifetime of reflection on that statement, IMHO I've opted to not let it be upon me.  The 'flip' of that, if taken to extremes, would make buying a pack of razor blades seem one's best option.  Moving to another star system is not...

I can rant further on such, but we'd have to move to another forum, marked 'Philosophy'.  Most entering would want to chat about cables, or amp options and be horribly disappointed.  And I don't have the time for it...;)

The BDDB....I've been a fan for decades.  All of the participants were/are quite talented at making a 'joyous noise', albeit not to everyone's 'preference'.  Certainly not in subject matter...  Yes, they popped up in odd places.  I remember Johnny Carson had them on his show, where they performed a Chinese 'fire drill' while playing onstage....

Carson was nearly speechless, a rare 'WTF' moment for him.  The audience applauded, but one could tell a big 'Huh?!' hung in the studio...

"We've just watch some obviously talented musicians act Extremely Strange...."  Not a quote, but an observation....

Now...in retrospect....Magical Myst Tour, all that, and the 'extremely hi-powered chemicals' that infused that era...

F. Zappa & the MOI at a live show in LA, spending the first part of their set disassembling vegetables on stage before actually playing music..

...and other 'weird things' going on that, at the time, made 'too much sense'...the Beatles made some still highly regarded music during 'all that nonsense'.... and I was listening to the Fugs and the like, then...

...and folks like The Pentangle...Randy Newman...Nilsson...it didn't have to be loud, but it'd better be Good.  Those of 'us' who 'survived' are still a lot like that.  

...reading arguments about speaker cables...

...and people discussing their 'realities' about them....

I attempt to be 'diplomatic' in my daily contact with people.  Your 'Titanic' just bumped into my 'iceberg' without the historical damage...

Sail On.


With that in mind, and in that regard, I doubt I'm unusual...;)

I like hanging around 'here' with y'all...but if someone kicks my ankle, expect a response....of sorts...my pick as to What and How.

Have a happy Sunday...

If I 'go off' on a rant, I try to make them 'worthwhile' to tolerate on some level...better if it makes some semblance of sense...or maybe even entertaining...

"Lookit dat fool foam!" 

..but I've had my shots...and I bite Fair....;)

*J kicks the soapbox away...*
*L*  An employment option that never opened up in my path...but thanks.

If any of my ramblings made it to film or blu-ray, the ratings board would probably 'X' rate it..."We don't have a category for this, so we're going to 'punt'..."

I actually do tend to think 'visually'...too many head shots of a physical nature, perhaps. *G*  Works for me, probably makes everyone else about me crazy.  My world and welcome to it....watch your step. ;) *L*