Odyssey Kismet Reference series.

To anyone who has listened extensively to the Odyssey Kismet Reference series of amps, etc - how does the sound fair in comparison to a regular Stratos or the like?


Showing 8 responses by stereo5

I went from a Stratos Extreme+++ to the full Kismet stereo amp in the Stratos case.  There is quite a difference and well worth the upgrade price.  The bass goes much deeper, you can see more into the soundstage, there is an over all ease to the music and the musicality is better all the way around.  I compared my Kismet against the Sanders Magtech amp.  There was NO comparison, I liked the sound of the Kismet much better and the Kismet amp with 200wpc sounded much more powerful than the Magtech at 500wpc.
I am driving GE Triton 1 speakers, soon the Triton Reference and it sounded much better than the Magtech amp.  However, my speakers aren't power hungry panels and my speakers have a 1600 watt subwoofer amp in each cabinet.

you finally got them! I’m excited for you as those amps are truly special. Enjoy the break in, I hear they take around 500 hours to reach their full potential.
I never had the problem you described.  Bass was extremely deep and articulate, nothing like you stated. 
They are NOT biased for your speakers, Klaus sets the bias based on the voltage coming out of your outlet which he asks you to check prior to his building the amps.  People need to get their facts straight instead of passing the wrong information.
When I had my Odyssey amps, I ran them with both an Audible Illusions Modulus 3B and a Rogue RP-5.  You could also get the Rogue RP-1 for half the money with 85% of the performance of the Rogue RP- 5.
So sorry to hear of these problems. I had a Stratos, upgraded to the Kismet for 7 years and it was extremely musical and reliable. There was never even a burp or fart from it.