Observations on Audiogon Posts

There has been something that disturbs me about the posts I see on Audiogon. I am specifically talking about the posts that ask members to make suggestion's on equipment.

Here is the problem I have. I rarely (and I mean I can count on one hand the number of times) see people post what kind of sound they are looking for. Instead people ask if such and such a piece will sound good with these other twenty pieces in their systems. What's the problem? Well, how do we know what you are looking for? Is sound-staging the most important thing to you? For some people it is. Do you like a forward aggressive sounding presentation or do you like a more laid back sound? Is musicality the most important thing to you? Do you want a system that produces accurate timbres? Knowing what you're looking for can save you thousands on equipment that doesn't fit you're criteria. It also helps us in making suggestions.

It seems to me that if more of us spent more time on what we are trying to get from our systems then on what brands we should buy we would all be a lot happier.

Just some food for thought.

Showing 2 responses by entrope

I agree with what has been said thus far but do find that many do not seem to have done any research and want a pat answer to an elusive question "how will it sound to me?" Or worse want someone (sales vulture?) to just tell them what to buy.

The real answer - only the poster can know from really listening to the gear but I do understand the value of ancedotal reports and experience with equipment.

I have bought and sold gear for 9 years before discovering piece by piece what I liked to hear from source (smooth & warm), amps (OTL speed and definition), wire (neutral clarity), speakers (involving & musical) preamp (passive) and synergy (warm, emotional, quick transients, not forward, coherent, maybe sacrificing some detail to gain that). The trip was remarkable but the end result is like coming home.

I still swap gear but not as much and look for things up my auditory alley so to speak when I do.
One should also read the posts mr t in addition to understanding the adjectives.

I have reread mine twice and did not find warmth and transparency adjectives mentioned together. I did even see the word "transparency" mentioned at all. I did see "warmth with fast transients" which are not in my opinion contradictory. I also said "neutral clarity" in decribing cable which means to me a cable that transmits signal with minimal alteration.

Also there are adjectives that can be very subjective as far as meaning from one to another. Not everyone has an ADOA (audio dictionary of adjectives) to describe specifically with precise meaning the auditory experience for them exactly to every reader.

It goes to make the point in the difference of reading about audio versus hearing it.