Obscure companies making excellent speakers?

Found on the forum names of speaker manufacturers unfamiliar to me that supposedly are using new technologies or designs and as a result are making big impressions on fellow goners. Would like to see a list of these young and not so young companies that otherwise fly under the radar because advertisement just too expensive or not viable.

Showing 2 responses by atmasphere

Dgarretson, I got to hear the Feasterex at RMAF, where the installation was much more musical than their installation at T.H.E. Show. The driver is easily at the top of the full-range driver firmament, like PHY or Fertin.

Audio Mechanica of Fort Collins, CO, is another for the list.
Mehrakrishan, no field coil speaker is going to be inexpensive. The reason the permanent magnet speakers showed up decades ago is that they are cheaper to make!

The High Emotion Audio speaker is easy to drive but it is not considered high efficiency, like you often need for an SET. PHY makes a great set of drivers that are full-range and high efficiency, you might also investigate Fertin Acoustic drivers, many of which are field-coil.