NY audio show 2022

This question addressed to audio folks-living close to NYC --- Are you going to audio show NYC September 9-10 , or you think is too small and decided to pass?


Showing 1 response by james_edward

I will agree with someone that said he was disappointed in getting a two day pass. It was a small show, but getting to see/hear different equipment was great. 
I liked the Audio Note room- they were playing real music. 
The GT Audio room sounded phenomenal, but I wish they played something real; I’ve got a pet peeve about audiophile music… Same goes for Spatial Audio- and I own them… But what was I hearing?

I could have walked in at the wrong moment, and I understand they need to control the listening environment. Oh well…

It seemed most rooms had a CD player- I didn’t bring any this time, since the last few shows I’ve been to were leaning toward streaming. My fault.

Overall, I’m glad I went, I had a great time, and I hope these shows continue.