
Hi all. I have the upgrade bug. Kicking around moving from my Anthem 225i to separates.  I'm using GoldenEar Triton 1s. Has anyone tired the Nuprime ST 10? More and more companies seem to be making huge strides with Class D. The ST10 gets glowing reviews and it's pretty inexpensive. Also wondering how the combination would be with a tube preamp. Actually I'm even wondering if it would REALLY be an upgrade....I do like the Anthem. Thoughts?

Showing 1 response by wcheng2

Call me biased as I have an upgraded one for sale...but anyways, it is a very good amp.  I was choosing between the st-10 and the benchmark ahb-2.  The benchmark won out because of its superior transparency and I've been moving my system in that direction.  It is by far the most transparent amp I've ever owned and I've owned more than a few that were almost 3x the price.  The competition was much closer than I expected, given the st -10 is almost half the price of the benchmark.  The st-10 was warmer and more forgiving, while still being on the plus side of the ledger in the areas of resolution and transparency.  Soundstage was about equal, with the benchmark being more of a behind the speakers presentation while the nuprime was more in front.  I've never heard your anthem before, but I'd venture to say that the nuprime would be a decent improvement for not a huge outlay, at least in the realm of this expensive hobby.