Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 

Showing 2 responses by gawdbless

For the Money of $499 It is fantastic value. I bought two of them on a whim about a year ago, one is still unopened waiting for ancillaries to be added If I can get any other equipment  in the house and set up unnoticed (lol), the other is teamed with a Quad Vena used as a Pre Amp listening to the excellent  Bireli Lagrene 'Standards' CD as I type and it sounds very good. All said and done it is great value at whatever the original price was ($1299)?, at $499 It is exceptional value to my ears. I could quite happily live with (and do) with the STA200. High End performance for pennies.  IMHO. Is there a better Amp for $499?
I have my STA200 paired with a Parasound Zpre2 and both have been left on for about a year+ virtually without being switched off, if so, then only briefly turned off then turned straight back on.
Is it scare mongering, or should I be worried about the STA200 going pop? I find the sound quality excellent. I actually bought two, the other is still in its box unopened. For the money $499 they are really nice sounding power amps. Don't know or care about the power rating, they sure do go loud when required. These findings are to my ears.