Nucleus, is there a better alternative?

My system uses a Lumin x1 which includes a dac and streamer, so I don't need a box with a streamer and a dac.

Concern is that the nucleus which hosts roon, which I use, might be introducing noise into system. I like the way it sounds but could I do better?

Maybe I need to consider an optical connection vs a Straight ethernet connection between the nucleus and the X1.

Curious about any ideas




Showing 2 responses by audioman58

A nucliusis Thst that great too begins with , little green computer is much better with a LPS, and going fiber optic can help ,the key don’t buy cheap modules but better brands , uptone audio makes their ether regen thsts takes fiber optic just make sure use use single or multi mode transceiver on both ends same match 

top transceivers around $80 each don’t get the $20 lasers NG 

O and no cheap Ethernet to fiber convertersl8ke the $30 specials too noisy 


Fiber optic internet service like fios  only fiber to the pole then regular copper cable to the house 

little green computer sell Ethernet to fiber converters 

I use the uptone ether regen that has a fiber optic input ,there multi regulators 

regen all noise ,buy one at the router and other end , most expensive is at the dac side it has a Ethernet to USB if running a external dac ,imo  a top notch dac has much better isolation and LPS , especially Multibit R2R dacs .