Chadnliz: If you inherited a piece of jewelry and wanted to sell it, wouldn't you want to get fair value for it? Also, I intend to split the proceeds with my friend who gave them to me.
lmin2u: I wanted to, but there was a lot stuff, and due to some repairs being done in my home, space is quite limited. There was a lot of junk, too, like holiday music, kids recordings, etc. I did take one of those JFK memorial LPs, though.
Thanks, Tobias. I was hoping there would be some kind of enthusiasts' site which allowed you to look up the value of a given recording based on its condition. I guess not.
lmin2u: I wanted to, but there was a lot stuff, and due to some repairs being done in my home, space is quite limited. There was a lot of junk, too, like holiday music, kids recordings, etc. I did take one of those JFK memorial LPs, though.
Thanks, Tobias. I was hoping there would be some kind of enthusiasts' site which allowed you to look up the value of a given recording based on its condition. I guess not.