Novice Question: Dedicated Streamers

Basically, I’m confused as to what function a stand-alone music streamer without onboard storage serves.  I know I’ve got some sort of glaring, mental blank spot about this.....the only thing I can figure is that there is some sort of enhanced music file processing over what one gets with most home computers and storage happens by plugging an external storage drive(s) to this sort of component??  Can someone enlighten me better about these?  The Blue Sound “Vault” has caught my eye of late but I’m wondering if I might be missing something by not looking at the “node” by the same company.  I don’t anticipate ever using any sort of music subscription service if this is important...  

Showing 2 responses by lg1

Thanks all and definitely appreciate your inquiry, Mazian as I suppose my confusion about these components may have similarities...  Right now, I’ve got iTunes on my Mac playing 16 bit AIFF ripped from CDs going wirelessly to an Apple Express which goes straight into my integrated amp with no further DAC presence.  While the original question I posted about Streamers without onboard storage has been cleared up somewhat in my mind, I keep wondering what I’d gain by acquiring one of them up and above what I’ve got in terms of functionality (I assume the SQ stands to be possibly be improved significantly? or not?). I suppose a solution like the Vault, with its onboard storage, would save wear and tear on the Mac but to a cost effective degree??  Perhaps the Node 2i plus a TB external drive with a copy of my iTunes collection might be more cost effective in that regard?  Intriguing to ponder, for sure...
This all clears up a lot for me.  Thanks, all!  Prob. For the foreseeable future, I’ll continue to stream tunes from my Mac > Airport Express....I’d eventually like to acquire a better DAC and go wired rather than wireless (rare dropouts but they do happen when the microwave oven is running!).  It all sounds pretty wonderful now, as is but...well...upgrade-itis lol.