Nova Ovation -- which amplifier works best?

Hi --

I recently was sold a pair of barely used Nova Ovation speakers from a friend.

I know these have excellent potential. Does anyone own a pair? What kind of amplifier works best with them?

Showing 1 response by fitz3600603b

Thanks for the response. I didn't know we Nova-owners were such a rare bunch.

I actually have a "warm-sounding" amplifier to work with the speakers as well: a McIntosh MA6100 integrated solid state.

As you note, this kind of amplifier plays to Nova's strengths, musicality in particular. But I wonder if it's not too much of a good thing. The sound is rich and solid -- but it also seems slightly lacking in detail and separation.

Nova themselves recommend Music Hall and Classe. Have you (or has anyone else) heard much about these?

Thanks again for the feedback. I'm new at this -- so it helps.