Nottingham Interspace

I know that ASL used to market the Interspace in the US but do not anymore, and there is now the Horizon, but at the time there must have been a number of Interspace decks on the market. I am looking for a non suspended deck to put a rather unusual arm on (RS Labs RSA1). I currently have a Gyro SE but the RS Labs arm doesn't mount to a board at all, it just sits on the arm board, and putting it on a open style suspended deck like a Gryo SE scares me just thinking about it (wife likes to use deck too). I don't think I can afford a Spacedeck and was wondering if the Interspace is a good deck or not. Any thoughts on it?
The Horizon is a great table - one of the best at its price point. But, it is of a different design than the Interspace, Spacedeck, and Hyperspace. I've never heard an RS arm on an Interspace but I do know that Nottingham will build for you the appropriate arm pod for nearly any arm. Since these tables will accommodate two arms, there may be three ways to go. One, you can buy a whole new arm pod and mount your existing pod on one side and the new pod on the other. That route, a new pod, will cost in the neighborhood of $350. Or, if you want to use just the one arm, you might be able to get by with buying just the small arm pillar and mounting ring and then affix it to your existing pod (depending upon arm geometry). That will coast about $150. Finally, if the arm has geometrics similar to a 'Not or Rega, you might be able to get by with just a different split-ring collet to use in your existing arm pillar - about $35.

These are options to look into. In nay case, the Interspace is a solid choice and can be had a good prices on the used market, especially.
I have had an Interspace for about 9 months and I am very happy with it. I also have read that the Interspace is still available for the time being, but the Horizon SE is supposedly as good... Mine has the recent metal platter and does a very good job with the Boston Audio Mat 1 and a modded Rega RB250/Grado Gold and Twl's tonearm tweak.
Good luck with your decision.
I have never heard the Gyro, so I can't give you a convienent reference. I would say, though, that it is quite nice and a better value than Linns and Regas. I may be able to help you with specific questions about it. If you have any, email me.