Noticed the Patriot Act's effects on PayPal?

I work with PCs and use PayPal to conduct my financial transactions. I recently sold some hardware for $800 and tried to transfer the money into my bank account only to be told I can only move $500 a month due to the Patriot Act. After fuming over this for an hour, I realized the ramifications of my true hobby...high end audio. So now, if I sell my amp, preamp, voltage regulator, etc... in an effort to upgrade my system, I will be affected by The Patriot Act. Has anyone else noticed this? I can only question how much more control we will allow our government into our daily lives before we say enough. I'm still pi$$ed that I can now be pulled over for not wearing my seatbelt...when the seatbelt law was passed, we were told we would NOT get pulled over for this violation. I ask you, what value is there in wearing my seatbelt as I drive to the gas station to buy a carton of cigarettes? I’m not some bleeding heart liberal, but am close to my fill of crap I can take from my government. Am I alone? Will I be investigated for this post?

Showing 2 responses by bdp24

Unregulated Wall Street was making a fortune. They were also paying a fortune in bribes, oh, I mean campaign contributions, to Politicians.
Bought and paid for, Schubert. Ted Cruz's wife works for one of "them" (Goldman Sachs I believe). You think he's going to "fix" Wall Street?! Hillary made $600,000 in speaking fees last year from one of them. They're her "peeps". You think Trump is gonna bust the guys he does business with?! I say let Bernie have at 'em!