Not sure what to think or do...

A few months ago, a 4 month old Parasound JC5 exploded and took out a speaker.  They were pair of JBL towers and they sounded fantastic with the JC5.  Parasound warranty replaced the amp with a new open box after determining I was not at fault.  Speakers were long out of warranty so I ended up taking the loss and purchasing new speakers.  I got a new set of Wharfdale Elysian 2.  They look great but everything sounds terrible with the new speakers and the new JC5.  Both the new amp and speakers have about 30 hours on them.  I dont think it is the speakers because I tried with a 8 year old A23 Parasound amp and they seems to sound a little better.  So either things havent broken/burned in yet or I just got some bad equipment.  I hear people tell me it takes 100s of hours, etc, but Im worried and dont expect that big of a change over time.  This has been a bad experience for me and I feel like giving up on the audio hobby.  $6k on speakers, $6k on an amp yet the acoustic panels on my Sony tv also sound just as good so Im confused.  


Showing 1 response by adg101

We’ll your here for advice so I’ll keep it simple. 
Yes it should sound good out of the box, and will likely improve with more time… the amp that is. Thirty hours is nothing on a new pair of speakers so they definitely need some time to stretch out. Give the system a couple hundred hours, one to settle end and second so your ears get accustomed to the new speakers. I’m sure the signature from your old JBL’s and new Wharfedale’s is night and day difference. Lastly play with placement as just because the JBL’s sounded great in one spot your new speakers may need tweaked - another spot. At first fire them straight ahead and then play with toe in if needed, but in small increments. Take your time and have someone help you and be patient. Good luck.