Not Sure If This Is OK Here, But Here Goes

I'm selling a pair of Magnepans on Audiogon and as usual, have had no response. Yesterday, a guy from Argentina (allegedly) contacts me and says he'd like the speakers and gave me an address and phone number of a guy in Miami to ship them to and he'll forward them on to the end buyer.

At first glance, this doesn't pass the smell test. However, he did give me a phone number, which I may call later today. The other issue I have is that I have little to no experience with PayPal. How hard is it to defraud PayPal and leave me without my  money and the lose of my speakers?


Showing 1 response by mrklas

OP, the situation would give me pause.  And if you want there's likely a way to conduct the transaction.  I would only consider doing the transaction payment in advance and the buyer pays and provides shipping labels.

The buyer can insure the product and they take ownership prior to shippiing.

@nonoise Thank you for your humor!  I didn't think Shaq ever said 'no'