Not seeing the sound

The other day, I was playing around with speaker positioning, and hit upon a spot where I could no longer "see" the sound coming out of the speakers directly. Now, the sound seems to be in different places relative to where the speakers stand, sort of in an etherial way. I like it. This may be a dumb question, but does this mean I've finally gotten a "soundstage?"

Showing 5 responses by rlb61

The sound is quite 3D now. There's width, height and depth, if that makes any sense. Truly, a remarkable thing to experience in my own listening room.
Yes, the musicians are positioned in the correct places, and vocals come out dead center. So, I don't think the speakers are out of phase. I believe I may have found an audiophile unicorn.
aolmrd1241 ... No! I moved quite recently, so I had to start from scratch in a new room. Bet you didn’t bother to think of that possibility before posting insulting comments, did you, Einstein? And, quite frankly, I posted a legitimate question, the answers to which might help others as well. Getting great soundstaging is difficult and can prove elusive, even over a number of years. I shouldn’t have to justify or otherwise explain to you my particular circumstances, as they are irrelevant to the question posed.
aolmrd1241 ... I’m not that funny. ;-) Misunderstandings occur, so let’s forget it ever happened.