Not much discussion around MBL

Must not be alot of ownership by frequent posters.  They are pricey - I have  heard several models many times and have always been impressed - would love to own a pair.  Not sure I could commit.

Showing 4 responses by pokey77

@pops I would love to own a pair of MBL speakers as well. I have my eye on the MBL starter system - $33.4k. It includes the MBL 126 Speakers/stands, C31 CD/DAC, and C51 integrated amp. I heard this system about a year and a half ago at a dealer event and thought it was very very good. I plan to go audition it again in the new year. -I also heard the Noble line mono blocks with the 101 E MKII speakers on the same day and the MBL 126  sounded pretty similar, just with the  101 E MKII providing more of the same. MBL seem to have their house sound figured out across lines.

FYI - I've heard a number of their speakers including the 116, 111, 101 E MKII, and the 101 x-treme. To me, they are all fantastic. I've also heard all three lines of electronics and I like all-MBL systems very much. YMMV but I'd highly recommend you find an audition. -I've heard MBL many times and I always walk away very much enjoying the quality of the sound and they are on my short list when I build a new system. Also, they are usually, for me, in the top 1-4 at audio shows and have been number 1 for me a few times. Just a fabulous sound.

I appreciate the further details. I do also appreciate they are subjective, but I do sense we probably like many of the same finer points of the MBL gear and certainly that includes the timbrel texture and realism, it just makes them sing so convincingly. I've never been in an MBL room I wanted to leave, some better than others, yes, but always that MBL siren-song calling you to listen just a little longer.

You said " I used Mcintosh 1201 monoblocs to push the 116's with no problems but my experience has been if you really want the best MBL can produce it will be with all MBL gear, they have a synergy that is unmatched". I'd have to agree with you wholeheartedly. That is the way they've always sounded best to me. I've heard the MBL 116 with McIntosh too and it just was not as good as an all-MBL system; and I do own McIntosh myself. But I also do aspire to own MBL in the future.