Got my DQ 10’s in the mid-70’s and kept them playing for forty+ years. Got them for maybe $800 a pair back then. Finally gave them to a friend a couple of years ago when I replaced them with Magico A3’s. To me they have a similar sound that made them listenable to my DQ 10 immersed ears.
But what I really wanted back in the seventies and couldn’t afford were Quad ESL 57 electrostatics, whose appearance Dahlquist cloned. I joined the Army late 1977 after the Viet Nam War ended and was able to shop at the U.S. Army Audio-Visual stores in Germany. There you could get real bargains on great higher end equipment. Much to my chagrin they had a pair of the ESL 57’s on sale for only $400 (a month’s pay), but I had the new Dahlquist’s, so let the Quad’s pass through my fingers. I might have purchased one of the newer Quads instead of the Magicos were it not for the fact they are manufactured in China.nowadays.