Not impressed

Just getting sick of the Hi Fi Merry Go Around...getting ready to throw in throw in the towel. Price to performance ratio is not all that rewarding. Sucks not being able to Audition before I buy....find a a nice amp.......good luck finding a preamp to match......on and on

Showing 1 response by minorl

Really good posts and quite funny also. In my opinion, I feel that anyone that believes they are on the merry-go-round is there because they chose to be on it. Yes, it may take some time and effort to find that just right system and sound, but, once you do, you are done unless you find a piece of equipment that makes you say wow to your music again. I don't consider that to be a merry-go-round, just musical evolution. And, it is totally your choice to do it. I look at this as enjoyable fun. I know what I can and can't afford and never let someone talk me in to a purchase I really don't want, need or can't afford. I routinely (every three months or so) visit my favorite store in San Diego for several reasons. 1. my good friend (also music lover) lives in San Diego and this is fun, 2. I like the people at that store, just to listen and talk about the industry and music, 3, San Diego is nice. But, I am very satisfied with my system and sound. it took many years to get to that level of sound satisfaction. I'm sure there exist equipment that would impress me, but the price would be rediculous (to me) and the slight increase in resolution, dynamics, etc. really aren't cost effective. I have heard many times the Audio Research REF 250 amps and all I can say is wow!. Really nice. If I can get a pair, I will, but it will be when I can afford them and when I decide to do so on my schedule. if ever. merry-go-round? no! hobby, fun and enjoyable, wonderful music? absolutely. As people keep telling me, life is short. Live, learn, help others, enjoy your friend and family and smile.
