Not as much activity on analog here

Monitoring this site and analog in particular I see a downward trend in interest. Why is this so. Are we a community that has not grown much and all our questions have been interested ? Are we losing interest? Is digital finally getting the soul of the music right? I wish someone would chime in maybe audiogon and show us some statistics. Maybe it's not analog but all across the forum. Let's here from you.

Showing 3 responses by rockitman

I believe you are in for a surprise Syntax. You do know that most recording is done digitally now, don't you?

you may be right. One problem...the bulk of the music engineered in digital just plain sucks. Music mastered in analog from the 50's-80's.... Music that really matters sounds best in analog form....tape or vinyl. Digital a/d, compressed and normalized just doesn't cut it.
^^^^sorry Tom, I am listening to the correct music. I have no doubt. It all comes alive in my room...Rock, Jazz and Classical. Format matters. Digital is the primary problem. It fails to capture the essence and beauty of analog mastered material.
Perhaps the lack of posts has to do with the inevitable digital vs analog debate ? I have gotten to the point that why bother defending the format for the benefit of others when digital leaks into the conversation ? Most people who espouse digital's superiority have no experience with well sorted analog. One party has one, The other both and analog. I argue they are better judges of what sounds best given the same material on both formats, played on the same stereo.