"not about the $, its about what does it take to engineer a machine that becomes invisible

This is a couple years old but a great take from someone who makes music, is not an audiophile but seems to get it right away. (some wandering with vinyl and FLAC but mostly solid...)

JRE clip, Reggie Watts shares his personal experience.

Maybe we should be thinking less of what Manufacturers DO and more about what they DON’T do?

"the engineering should just get the f^*& out of the way"... love it.



Showing 1 response by millercarbon

The OP quote is a lot larger question than people are taking it as. What we really are after is something that moves us. The closest tangible example is Aladdin’s Magic Carpet. Comes out of nowhere, takes you wherever your heart desires. Get the right one, it even can be pretty darn entertaining too.

Closest thing to that in the real world is a 911. Drive one and after a while don’t be surprised to find the car following your thoughts sometimes seemingly without needing to do anything. Yeah I know how that sounds but drive one and see.

We want our systems to disappear too, preferably taking the room along for the ride. Either way, car or system, whatever it is takes a whole lot of technology to make it happen.

The trick is to make the technology seamless, ephemeral. We’re getting there. We are a lot closer than most seem to think. At the same time we have a very long way to go. We’ll get there when we get there. Enjoy the ride. I do.