North Creek B&W 801 crossovers? Tried them?

I know they are rather pricey at $1600.00+... Has anyone auditioned these crossovers or own a set? I have a pair of B&W 801 S3 speakers that I drive with a CAL 2500 MCA. The sound is very nice but I was wondering what difference these crossovers would make, if any... If so would the difference be worth the $$? I only paid $2100 for the speakers (an AWESOME deal as far as I am concerned, considering the condition, PERFECT). Hope to hear from you. I am also looking for a pair of the stands they used to make for these speakers. Are there any out there for sale? Thanks for looking! Paul

Showing 9 responses by tabl10s

I meant the bottom plates of the NC's. Mine was craked in half. They pack a lot of parts on a not-too-sturdy platform. I just remembered that I drilled the original BP plates to accept the NC versions with minimal fuss.
I thought you were familiar. Is the floor suspended or concrete? If i remember correctly, i sugested that the feet be changed to something more substantial, since the Tone Cones tips are somewhat soft.
Furukawa was recommended. You could-Ahem- wire them with the same cables that you're using(Crossover's too) for true synergy if you plan on keeping theses for the long-haul. I almost forgot, spike the the boxes. You could use some substantial spkies here to good effect. Try some ERS sheets inside or out. To go overgoard you could use Marigo Dots on all the Xover caps. As i may have mentioned before, i had suspended floors and i wanted to isolate everything: BDR "Through Things" between the cabinet and stand or feet and stand. It is a good thing the the Manufacturer simplified and lowered costs too. They used to be a four box system that had to be hard-wired. Don't the 801's look cool with two black boxes sitting on white carpet?
If you never get them, you'll always wonder what could've been. As Kehut said they're easy to connect. Years ago, you had to hard-wire four boxes and pay $2400. Since you have an S3, the cheap clips have been eliminated, the iron core inductors changed to air versions and fluid cooled tweeters added. Aside from the NC's, you NEED the Soundanchors stands and Polycrystal/brass feet.
The bottom plate with "sing" along with the music if left in-place. Anyone using the Xovers should also utilise good spikes. Be carfeful when handling them as the bottom plates aren't very sturdy.
KEEP the plates on the Xovers(The electronics are attached to the covers).The bottom covers are about a 1/2" thick and don't seem appropriate for the load they support, so handle the Xovers with care(Each Xover are around 50lbs each). GET RID OF the bottom plates on the speakers. Unless you live outside, dust shouldn't be a problem. My Xovers had Binding Post(BP) plates that were supposed to be attached to the outside of the enclosure. I instead utilized the factory BP plate and enlarged the holes and drill an extra hole to accomodate the Xovers Binding Posts(My Xovers had wire leads for 5 BP's). Change the spikes that come with the Xovers to something more substantial such as the small Polycrystal/brass footers.