North Creek B&W 801 crossovers? Tried them?

I know they are rather pricey at $1600.00+... Has anyone auditioned these crossovers or own a set? I have a pair of B&W 801 S3 speakers that I drive with a CAL 2500 MCA. The sound is very nice but I was wondering what difference these crossovers would make, if any... If so would the difference be worth the $$? I only paid $2100 for the speakers (an AWESOME deal as far as I am concerned, considering the condition, PERFECT). Hope to hear from you. I am also looking for a pair of the stands they used to make for these speakers. Are there any out there for sale? Thanks for looking! Paul

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Haven't heard the B&W x-overs, but I just assembled bass units for a 2 piece DIY loudspeaker system utilizing monstrous North Creek custom 10 ga air cores and their Crescendo caps (cascade bypass) for first order x-overs. The sound is phenomenal! So much so that down the road I'll open up the monitors and re-do their x-overs with North Creek parts. I'm now certain it'll be well worth the extra work and expense.