Norah Jones

...anyone hear her new record?

Showing 5 responses by milpai

I have the CD version of this album and I should say, it is growing on me. I like the album in general.
+1. I have not come across a bad album from Norah Jones. Have you listened to her "Featuring" album? I think you will like it.
joseph796, are these components still in your system or have they changed?

CD Ayon CD1
Processor Anthem DV
2 Channel Amp Gamut D200i
Speakers Gamut M5

The sound quality on the CD is pretty good. What source were you using (CD, stream, etc)? You description of the album ic completely opposite of mine.
Wow stringreen, a D+ for the vinyl? You should really listen to the CD then. Maybe they overcooked the vinyl?
But like you, I like the music on this album as well.
Listening to the album again tonight and instead of focusing on the music, I was focusing on the recording. Yes, wolf_garcia, it does sound darker than her previous recordings. But it is nowhere as dark as the "Rising Sand" album from Robert Plant/Alison Krauss. That album is so "syrupy" or like "thick molasses".
This album is so much better. I have no complaints on the CD. If you forget about the recording and listen to the songs, it does not matter.
Now someone should compare the CD Vs the hi-rez downloads.