Nola Boxer 2 vs. Paradigm Studio20 V5?

I am seriously considering going for the Boxer 2 as an upgrade from my Studio 20 V5s.  They provide lower bass response, good efficiency,  and get very high reviews.
My question is, are they limited SPL wise?   Can they play louder than my Studio 20s?

I do not play loud often but, it would be nice if they could go louder than my Studio20s without distorting.



Showing 6 responses by albireo13

My Studio-20s are a bit on the bright side.  Sometimes that is nice, sometimes not so nice.
While I've been resisting, I may break down and get a sub someday ... not right now.

I have a Nuprime IDA8 integrated for my amp ... 100w/ch into 8ohms ... SS.
I can crank the Studio20s pretty loud but they get harsh at high levels.  I'm looking for a bookshelf spkr with more bass and more refined mids/highs.

Im considering the Boxer-2, KEF300, Ascend Sierra-2, Dynaudio.
The problem is I have a hard time finding any to audition in my area (NH).

at first I was looking into towers but I've decided to stick with bookshelf.

Well, decided to stop the Internet nonsense and actually go and listen to speakers.
  I auditioned a few speakers.
i brought home a pair of Stirling SD-88s 
 they are awesome!!!
A great match for my IDA8.   Just as smooth as the Harbeths but with more Cojones.
Im done.   These are great!
Sorry, they are SB-88s and they sound better today than yesterday. A nice match to my IDA8 amp.