Thanks for the responses. As I suspected, evidently the problem has occurred with several reputable companies' products. I must say again that I was very pleased with the Audience customer service. I purchased the cables here on Audiogon and certainly had no documentation to support their warranty, but no such questions were asked. The cables were repaired quickly and effectively.
Fineito, your experience would indicate potentially that the insecure connection could potentially introduce a different type of sound (hum), unlike the rustling type of sound and loss of output that were the symptoms of my problem. I'm curious whether anyone out there possesses sufficient electrical engineering knowledge to comment about possible underlying mechanisms to account for the symptoms.
Fineito, your experience would indicate potentially that the insecure connection could potentially introduce a different type of sound (hum), unlike the rustling type of sound and loss of output that were the symptoms of my problem. I'm curious whether anyone out there possesses sufficient electrical engineering knowledge to comment about possible underlying mechanisms to account for the symptoms.