noise on the line

question : power noise & cables : 

- most people agree that in the weeee hours of the morning, with limited power line use and "wifi" / data noise, any stereo sounds better - optimal.  If a vast majority of audiophiles listen during non-midnight/early morning hours why isn't it scientifically acknowledged that audio cables with various shielding theories, intended to eliminate "wifi"/data and power line noise, are valid, not snake oil?!

I've had an H/K A500 and Bose 301's when I was much younger.  Sounded great, Memorable so far. 

But as a working new Dad, ,my best memories were very late listening.

I'm currently listening to Maggie .6

s (OLD) and a Mod Wright / Oppo Pre-dac Streamer through Vinni Rossi Int Amp, and it sounds absolutely wonderful. 

Long Story Short, Power & Shielding & cable geometry make a world of difference. 

Otherwise, why do our stereo's sound best after everyone is gone to bed and turn off all the lights? 


Showing 1 response by noromance

No one is saying shielding doesn't work. It is scientifically proven. It's a necessary part of electronics. Systems sounding best late at night is nothing to do with some additional effect of cable shielding.