Noise issues that can’t be corrected.

You can spend thousands for a quieter system, and it sounds amazing.

However, how do you deal with landscaper and tree trimming noises? Penetrating windows and walls, and going outside makes it worse.  Rain brings pause, but pitter patter is disruptive to music listening, but its nice on its own.

everyday, landscaping noise is everywhere, and the chief culprits are leaf blowers, which are the worst.  Mini jet engines strapped on the backs of men holding a neighborhood hostage as they blow every last leaf and grass blade into oblivion.  The aftermath can be pretty, and then within hours, a wayward leaf will blemish the green landscape, how horrible!

I have told my crew to cease trimming and using blowers in backyard, unnecessary.  May help.

we live in a noisy society.  Not everyone can be surround by an expanse of undeveloped acres. 
So fellow brilliant minds, how do we solve this problem?


Showing 2 responses by hilde45

I hear you about noise pollution. My parents live out in rural Long Island, on an acre. They only have a few neighbors, but over the years, more and more hire teams of yard people to manicure their lawns and property on a weekly basis. It was not this way when I was growing up.

It’s easy to type a simple or dismissive answer to your question from behind a keyboard. But you’re on to something. There is more noise. And as people who love music and our hearing, we need to pay attention.

And it’s not good for us.
"Is Noise Pollution the Next Big Public-Hea
lth Crisis?" By David Owen May 6, 2019 Research shows that loud sound can have a significant impact on human health, as well as doing devastating damage to ecosystems.

And more:

And then there’s light pollution, in case you’re wondering:

The idea that it's "impossible" to solve this problem was said about other kinds of pollution, before. But pollution is a public problem and there have been advances and retreats. It takes will, organization, awareness, and policy. Those who profit by polluting like nothing more than average people to throw up there hands and say, "nothing can be done" or "it's always been this way." Neither of those are true or have to be true. Find a noise pollution group and contribute your time or money to fighting for better regulation of noise.
@jumia Thanks! You can consider us working together on this one! Good luck!