Noise floors

I'd like to address an issue that every single audiophile experiences, that being inherent/ambient steady state noise floors. Here we spend so much effort and money on our equipment in order to lower noise floor and increase resolution, transparency, only to lose some percentage of it on relatively high ambient noise floors. By this I mean the noise generated internally by home, hvac systems and so much more, add to that external, outside the home generated noise. Measuring over many years, over large variables, lowest readings of mid 20db to highest mid 50db in my dedicated listening room, these are steady state readings, any particular system in house may activate and or outdoor generated noises, which are even more variable, may kick in raising if from here.

And so, while we can address both these internal and external generated noise floors to some extent, we can't rid ourselves entirely of them. I presume there are widely varying levels of these noise floors for each of us, and it should be accounted for in reviews or evaluations of equipment. And could be reason for trusting only long term reviews, with varying noise floor levels within one's listening room, short term listening could have taken place during time of best or worse case room noise floor.

But mostly what bothers me is, here all this effort and money spent on equipment in attempt to lower noise floor, and so much of that lost by relatively ridiculous levels of steady state and/or ambient noise. Makes one think about getting closed back headphones, or moving out to extremely remote area to home with minimal internally generated noise. To think how much better  the very system I presently have would sound in that environment!


Showing 1 response by 4krowme

 Environmental noise is a topic that very rarely gets discussed. Reminds me of those who have impaired hearing to start with. Not much discussion there either. Most all of my life, I have been affected more than most anyone that I know by ambient or environmental noise. The sound of a newspaper folding even was teeth gritting for me at one time in my life. When I went to a concert I prayed that the mechanical systems were quiet enough along with the audience. 
 Once experience that was quite unusual was having to work at a home site that was VERY unusual. Some guy bought the property once owned by the local power company. To protect their equipment, a 12 foot high brick wall surrounded most  of the property. There was a large steel door for access. This door was so large and heavy, there was a 'little door' cut into it. Ok, so you went from city noise to a drastically quiet environment when shutting the door. Not that I didn't realize just how noisy the city was, but the difference was really really cool. It would take that to demonstrate to the average individual what is being discussed here!