The Rate I calculated for @hm9000 was right at 20lb/inch of travel for the spring measured.
Based on your specs, @ryder I calculate about 12.6lbs per one inch travel for the Rate of Compression.
As I understand it, so long as you are in the travel range (not fully compressed) then no matter how large the gap is, the force to move the object further remains the same or constant. I'd guess leave it in the middle but no one seems to have any idea why. Can the 'different audible results' be identified other than 'pre-knowing' how many springs are being used...
I'd still love a thought on best Rate of spring to use. I ordered 100 springs .75" long with a 9.3lb/inch compression rate. These will allow a lot more travel of the component (or more soft 'floating').
Of course I do not know whether one wants one's equipment on a very stiff, barely springy bed, or on a highly springy and very flexible bed (assuming stability). This is the question I'd love someone to weigh in on with knowledge of resonances.