No sound

Some weeks ago, out of nowhere i got a loud medium/low tone emanating from my system when I turned it on. I reported it here and it was suggested that the problem could be a faulty tube.  I finally obtained new tubes, installed them, and the tone went a way but so did the audio.  Any ideas about what’s going on?   It’s hart to find competent technicians that will come for home repair.


Did you blow a fuse in the component? If you haven't checked the fuse do so. 


Since you have multiple sources, you have ruled out that it is a source problem.

Pretty much leaves the speakers (unlikely) amp or preamp.  If you had a spare amp or preamp you would have already tried them.

If it was me I would order a Sys from Schiit Audio for $49.  This is a passive preamp with input for two sources.  While not a high-end piece, it will allow you to enjoy your music and not rush to make decisions while investigating your next moves.  I have one that I purchased for exactly this reason.  It now sits not used but is available if I need it again.



With the Sys, assuming you have a preamp problem, you are up and running for the price of a cheap tube.

Thank you for the suggestion of the Sys.  I’m  just recovering from a hip replacement then dislocation, so I really can’t get into the insides of my system very easily, but I can hire someone to do  it.

I’ll experiment as much as I can.