No one talks about Purist Audio Design cables.

That's what I mostly use, in addition to Wywires Diamond and Gabriel Gold interconnects and Custom Power Cord Company Top Gun power cords.

Used to be a lot of talk about them.


The Neptune power cord resulted in very dark and rolled off sound. 
I used to own Aqueous 20th Anniversary speaker cables for years and yes they were warm sounding but resolving and articulate at the same time. Very musical. I think the liquid shielding in Neptune is too much of a good thing. 
The Cat 7 Ethernet cable is excellent though and I have no plans to change it. So in my experience it’s a hit or miss with Purist. 

If I remember right, Aqueous uses Contego which is sort of a mixture of fluid and Ferox. Never tried them, though.

I use old Dominus Ferox power cord with the VAC Avatar SE tube integrated amp with great results.

And believe it or not, I still use the original Purist Colossus fluid speaker cables. They are probably over 30 years old, I had them refilled with the fluid twice by Purist, more than 10 years ago the last time, I think, and they are an excellent match for my warm sounding speakers. Colossus used to be Purist's best value cable, no wonder you can't find it. I mean with fluid, at some point Purist stopped refilling old cables with fluid and offered to fill them with Ferox. I tried it with RCA interconnects and Ferox completely screwed up this cable.

Yeah it’s a shame. To beat the Aqueous it took a much more expensive Audience speaker cables. 

If memory serves, member ebm used Purist Audio cables.  I greatly enjoyed his short and to the point posts.  Sadly, while he posted regularly, his last post was dated April 5, 2023 when he dropped off the face of A'gon.