No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 

The cable I’m considering is actually closer to 2/0 awg, it has an area of 65mm, and he has the tools to crimp the spades on so I’m probably just going to go with that. I have good clearance around the binding posts on both the amp and the speakers.

What I don’t understand about this thread is that, usually, when a new product is brought to market everyone says "listen to it", "it depends on your system", "you’re the only one that can say for sure". Yet I’m suggesting I’m going to do exactly that and I’m branded a "sucker".

It’s a cheap experiment. If it does half of what’s claimed then great. If it does nothing, there’s nothing much lost. I’m going into this with a doubtful, but open, mind.
What "buying spots and clocks" has to do with this? You found out that all the rest, like directional cables, burn in, cryogenic treat and skin effect were un useful so you dig the buying spots and clocks In a forgotten drawer, never yet used with speaker cables, maybe it will work now?

>>>>So, just because you declare these things irrelevant, hotshot, doesn’t make it so. Nor does ignoring metal purity enhance your self proclaimed expertise. Maybe if you close your eyes and hold your breath and stomp your foot they’ll just go away.

We see this sort of thing from time to time, where someone is working in a vacuum without access to or ignoring all the advancements that have been made in cable performance, fuse performance, and power cord performance. It’s called Stove Piping. 🏭 I did not create reality.

When in doubt, try it out.........isn't that what we all do anyway? Some things seem to work for some people, in some systems, some things don't. If I do something to my system and hear an improvement, but you can't replicate the results, does that make it BS??? .........I recall years ago a product that was called........I think......Maringo dots.......Tiny little things that you were supposed to strategically place in your listening room for wondrous results........Never bought them, thought it HAD to be BS...........but I'm sure some people did and maybe they even thought it made a difference................Stop beating the poor guy up. If you don't buy what's he's I might add......don't try it........or try it for a few bucks...........It won't cost anymore than dozens of other "tweeks" that we've tried before, often with questionable results..........How is his theory any crazier than a lot of the stuff that you probably paid good money for in hopes of better sound.........As high tech as this hobby can be....and expensive, isn't it worth a few bucks to at least TRY it before you flame the guy...............Maybe it's BS, maybe it works, haven't had time to try it myself, but until and unless I do I have to give the guy the benefit of the doubt and a little respect at least....Everybody deserves that much and he's not asking you for money, just an open mind............jeez
I'm still waiting for my "solution" to my amps and speakers from back in September. Nothing forthcoming. SHAM CITY.
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