No good new music?

Curious as to how many 2002 new releases people bought this year - I bought a lot of music this year in general, but also felt like there was a lot of good new release this year as well. Being nearly the end of the year, I looked at my music inventory spreadsheet for how many 2002 releases I had and came up at >40.

How many 2002 releases have some of you purchased? It seems like this is some measure of how much good "new" music there is out there.

Showing 1 response by rockvirgo

In 2002 I scored:
Natalie Merchant's Motherland (somebody dumped her so hard she left out the lyric sheet. Electric banjo too, woohoo!); Dylan's Love and Theft (Tex-a-billy from those who know); The remaster of Traffic's Low Spark (bargain oldie that's still fresh); Stereophonics' Just Enough Education to Perform (alternately soft, then loud, per the basic thrash formula with enough self mockery to make it real);
Cowboy Junkies' Open (which revealed just how empty their barrel has become);
EVERYTHING ECM Records was nice enough to release in the USA (An unfathomable trove of art beyond my ability to comprehend it, always fresh and impossible to contain in word or mind, aka, pure music.)