No computer??

I just wanted you all to know an interesting fact that I have recently come across. Our company has advertised in Stereophile, some of you may have seen the ad. I have received numerous calls for literature, which we are behind in printing, and thus are still about 4 weeks away from having any. While the brochure will be nice, there is about 10 times the information on the website, thus I have always asked "have you been to our website?" You can not believe how many people have responded--I don't have a computer. This amazes me, as these are people that read Stereophile. These did not sound like people that were so old they did not ever have access to a computer and thus never tried one, nor did these people sound like finances were any reason not to have a computer. While I can't be sure--it seemed to be more a purposeful decision of "I am simplifying my life--and a computer doesn't need to be part of it." Two of the people said they would go to the library and look me up on the internet connection there. I've suggested that to several--and I kind of got the impression of a deer looking into the headlights--just a long pause on the phone. To me it would be virtually impossible to work without a computer--I would have about 3 miles of paper in my office were it not for my computer--and very little way of keeping the organization I need. For most out there on A-gon (who obviously have a computer--or at the very least access to one) this probably sounds as surprising to you as it did to me. Just thought I would share that--any thoughts or comments would be welcomed.

Showing 1 response by unsound

In my experience computers are a mixed blessing. I believe that I have wasted as much time as saved due to computers. Between hardware and software glitches, viruses and an a European internet site that intentionaly tried to take over my operating system and achieved 99% success. Thats right couldn't remove it because tht 1 % locked it up. I had to erase everything and start from scratch. Did you ever try calling your computer manufacturer of Internet provider for help? The waiting is absolutley riduculous. After waiting you can count on being transfered numerous times to repeat the same story over and over only to be disconnected, then misinformed then delivered the wrong pre purchased product. UGH! Constantly updating firewalls and antivirus software. Internet providers providing spotty service and annoying "upgrades". Not to mention all the crap you have to sort through to get anything worthwhile. I can't remember being sold any other product that required me to understand how it worked and how to fix it myself. Why don't computers come up and running without problems and simple directions to operate. Yes, computers are good but I wish they would sell a finished reliable product rather than half baked goods they do.