No CD with works by Alexander N. Skrjabin

as you may know, he is a Russian composer who lived between 1872 and 1915. I recenlty listened to a live performance of his "Etude" Opus 8 nr. 11 and 12 and was overwhelmed. I guess there is a recording by Morowitz, but I cannot find any CD ...does someone know where to get CDs with Skrjabin's work or is he just too unknown ?
Cheers and thank you, Mike

Showing 1 response by newbee

So long as you are researching under that spelling you are not too likely to find much. Try 'Alexander Scriabin' and you will find much to choose from.

I have in my collection the complete Etudes by Piers Lane on Hyperion, his 24 Preludes by Pizarro on Collins, his Complete Mazurkas by Pizarro on Collins, and his complete Sonatas by Boris Berman on Music & Arts. I'm sure there are many others and you might prefer them. I haven't heard them all yet, but the performances I listed are all very assessible and well recorded.