Nice vintage $2k Turntable, cartridge, and phono stage

I currently have a current version Rega P3, I am looking to make a change. I have   been drawn recently to vintage turntables especially with wooden plinths. The looks of the turntable are important (maybe more than they should be).  I would like a good looking TT with a modern phono stage, used is fine, and a good quality cartridge. I’d be happy with a “good” not necessarily great sounding setup to go with my Simaudio integrated and KEF R5 speakers.

Anyone have any experience they can share? 


Showing 1 response by bgross

Luxman PD-121 Table, ADC LMF-1 Arm, Rega Exact 2 Cart , Lounge Audio LCR Gold Phono Pre - this is exactly what I use and was all purchased pre-owned in extraordinary condition for just under $2K. Its a VERY great playing/sounding rig and on looks alone is second to none. Just sayin...