Niagara 5000 Vs Torus RM20 or PS Audio Power Plant 12

After upgrading my power cords, speaker wire, and adding a USB Reclocker, my system has become more highly resolving and I’ve become extremely sensitive to fluctuations in the quality of power.  After midnight, my system becomes insanely revealing, holographic, and unconstrained.  During the day, not so much.  I am wanting my system to sound like it does after midnight, all the time!  

My dealer loaned me their Niagara 5000, along with an older NRG-1000 20A cord to power it.  Remember I’m using a Dragon high current to my amp.

Results - love what it does to bass and overall drive, but compared to that “after midnight” totally unconstrained free-flowing sound with my amp plugged into the wall, with the Niagara 5000 powered by the old NRG-1000 cord, I found the mids and upper frequencies to be constrained.  Not terrible, but not like that glorious sound I get late at night.

I’m thinking / hoping that if I were to power the Niagara 5000 with a Dragon High Current, then maybe the mids and uppers won’t be so constrained?  Any thoughts on this?  The NRG-1000 is a far lower end cord vs the Dragon.

Also wondering how a Torus RM 20 or a PS Audio Power Plant 20 would compare. Not sure if I would be able to demo either of these however…



Gryphon is designed to work straight off the wall. This perhaps doesn't mean that one can't improve it but it may mean that you have to try just about everything worth trying, including that German company making battery powered regenerators, or whatever it is they call it.

Another possibility - simply do critical listening past midnight.



I see you ended up with the Torus! Did it help you get that "after midnight" sound quality all day long now?

I'm a fellow Diablo 300 owner running Nola KO's and Rythmik subs and a Holo Audio DAC. 

Currently running no power filtering because I thought Gryphon recommended against doing so. I'm running everything from a simple Shunyata PS8 connected to the wall with an NR-V10 power cable, and everything sounds great. But of course, I don't know what I don't know! 

I'm very curious which upgrades unlocked the most performance from you Gryphon Diablo!